UK Buy-side Market Report & Salary Benchmarking 2024

by Andrew Mackay

The asset management market in London has experienced significant recruitment fluctuations, with notable highs in 2021 and 2022, followed by a slowdown over the past 18 months. These trends have been shaped by evolving economic conditions, including rising interest rates, persistent inflation, the ongoing Ukraine war, and the potential threat of a China-Taiwan conflict. These factors have contributed to heightened investor uncertainty.

Geopolitical tensions, coupled with the post-Brexit landscape and shifting investor liquidity needs, have introduced additional complexity to the UK buy-side market.

Despite these challenges, London has maintained its status as a leading global financial services hub. Managing Partners, CEOs, and CIOs have increasingly directed their teams to remain agile and seize emerging opportunities, with a noticeable pivot towards credit strategies and away from traditional real estate asset classes.

This report provides a detailed analysis of key trends and patterns within the accounting, compliance, and legal job market in the funds sector. Drawing on over 30 years of combined experience across the desk, we have compiled a comprehensive report that includes insights into market specifics for 2024, forecasts for early 2025, key candidate drivers in a client-driven market, and up-to-date compensation benchmarking. 

Download your copy of our UK Buy-side Market Report & Salary Benchmarking 2024 below: 

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